• 01.11.2018 17:35

F1 2018 ruft zum Boxenstopp

Codemasters stellt für F1 2018 weitere Bugfixes und Verbesserung bereit die vom Verhalten des Safety-Cars über die AI bis hin zu einer Featureerweiterung reichen

(MST/Speedmaniacs.de) - Die F1 2018-Entwickler haben zwei Updates für die PC-Version ihres Spiels veröffentlicht. Während der Patch auf V1.14 ein Hotfix ist, umfasst das Update auf V1.13 Verbesserungen in verschiedenen Bereichen, darunter auch das Safety-Car und die AI.

Titel-Bild zur News: F1 2018

V1.14 ist die derzeit aktuelle Version von F1 2018 Zoom

Neu hinzu gekommen ist die Möglichkeit die Reifenkarkassentemperatur zu deaktivieren. Die Funktion ist über die Reifentemperaturoption in den Gameplay-Einstellungen zu finden. Es gibt zwei Wahlmöglichkeiten: "Surface and Carcass (Simulation), die bislang im Spiel verwendet wird, und "Surface only".

F1 2018 (PC) - V1.14-Changelog:
A hotfix to revert the sportsmanship/showmanship fix has been applied and should now be live for PC players right now.

F1 2018 (PC) - V1.13-Changelog:
-Added option to disable tyre carcass temperature - the Tyre Temperature option can be found in Gameplay Settings and there are two choices: 'Surface and Carcass (Simulation)', which is the setting that 2018 has used up to this point, and the alternative 'Surface Only' option.
-Fixed an issue where online stats would fail to update correctly - if your stats fail to update after this patch, please let us know in the Discussion thread, please be sure to include which stats are not updating for you.
-Improved times generated when a session is fast forwarded or Flying Lap / Return To Garage are used (i.e. time is skipped / accelerated). This will prevent times being generated that are around a second a lap too quick on the higher difficulty settings.
-Increased frequency of Safety-Car deployment for multiplayer.
-Fixed issue where teams would value showmanship and sportsmanship incorrectly in contract negotiations.
-Fixed an issue where the Safety-Car could incorrectly come out after using a flashback.
-Fixed an issue in online sessions where players would occasionally load into the incorrect track.
-Fixed an issue where certain PCs would use the incorrect audio update rate
-Fixed an issue in the UDP telemetry output where the PlayerIndex value would change to the incorrect player when entering spectator mode.
-Fixed a bug that meant players could be given a speeding in the pit lane penalty even if they were below the speed limit and had the limiter on when they crossed the limiter line.
-Fixed a bug that meant the AI would sometimes not go out to do a second hot lap in Qualifying.
-Safety-Car improvements when picking up the lead car when they are close to backmarkers.
-Fixed a bug that caused AI cars to be teleported back to the pit lane when loading a mid session save created while in the garage while the player is in the garage. This could cause the AI to set very short sector times.

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