• 14.02.2021 11:33

rFactor 2: Februar-Build und Indianapolis Motor Speedway runderneuert

Studio 397 hat für rFactor 2 das Februar-Build veröffentlicht und stellt ein kostenloses Update für den in frischem Glanz erstrahlenden Indianapolis Motor Speedway zur Verfügung

(MST/Speedmaniacs.de) - Am Mittwoch hat Studio 397, wie kurz zuvor angekündigt, das PBR-Update für den Indianapolis Motor Speedway zusammen mit dem Februar-Build von rFactor 2 veröffentlicht.

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Der Indianapolis Motor Speedway hat das PBR-Update erhalten Zoom

"Wir haben besonderes Augenmerk darauf gelegt, eine Reihe wichtiger Probleme und Fehler zu identifizieren, zu replizieren und zu beheben", heißt es dazu. Gleichzeitig kündigt man an, dass das Februar-Build der Auftakt für weitere Updates in den kommenden Wochen ist die das Ziel verfolgen die Erwartungen der rF2-Community zu erfüllen.

Die auch als "Brickyard" bekannte amerikanische Rennstrecke Indianapolis Motor Speedway profitiert mit dem jüngsten Update von allen grafischen Verbesserungen, wie eindrucksvoll auf den aktuellen Screenshots zu sehen ist. Neben dem Brickyard-Oval, dem modernen asphaltierten Oval und dem Grand Prix-Layout von 2007, ist in dem V1.06-Update nun auch die 2020er Grand Prix-Konfiguration enthalten.

rFactor 2 - Februar-Build 10.02.2021:
-We've removed the Max 2012 plugins as they no longer work, and provided the last working Max 2017 plugins. We have no intention to upgrade them any longer as we can't get these versions of Max any more to test. Furthermore, we urge the modding community to upgrade to current Max versions.
-Fixed: Reflection mapper in Scene Viewer, so it renders from the same point as the user sees.
-Fixed: Bind a mouse click to any input control.
-Fixed: Issues with showroom performance.
-Fixed: Missing error prompt when textures are missing from content.
-Fixed: Issue with a white screen you get when you try to assign a control.
-Fixed: Visible damage sometimes corrupting car bodies, to properly fix the hotfix that temporarily disabled the visible damage.
-Fixed: Issue where clouds could show similar corruption as car bodies.
-Fixed: Showroom Upgrades not displaying which require MAS Files.
-Fixed: Glitch where "the lights would suddenly go off? when transitioning from light to dark at dusk.
-Fixed: Exploit where you could still set the FE car to use 250kW in the Set-up in a race when that setting is reserved for "attack mode?.
-Fixed: Overlays would not correctly follow the attack mode countdown timing.
-AIW Editor: Added new line smoothing option, and added soft selection for manual adjustments.
-Added an internal option to the player.json to turn off multi-threading in the UI. Defaults to "on?.
-Added code support so we can detect a disabled Steam overlay, to warn you about why a shopping cart won't show up.
-Changed how a dedicated server shuts down when asked so it no longer crashes with a non-zero return code.
-Pausing sessions in a dedicated server will now only pause the first one.
-Increased an internal timeout when talking to Steam to give it more time before we give up or retry.
-Scene Viewer Changes: Moved Web UI Port to 5396 by default and added support for up to 128 scenes in configuration file

Indianapolis Motor Speedway 2020 v1.06 Update Notes:
-Update of 2013 Release to 2020.
-Replaced 2013 layout with modern equivalent
-Full PBR Conversion of all assets
-Replaced Crowds with new assets
-Replaced Marshals with new assets
-Added Pitlane Props (Pit Stands, Fuelling Rigs, Pit Markers)
-Added accurate background nightlighting
-Added Advertisements
-Added building at Road Course S1
-Improved various assets such as armco barriers
-AI Updates to 2007 GP and Modern GP layouts.
-Various other improvements and tweaks

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