• 13.08.2023 08:27

MX vs ATV Legends: Versionsupdate 2.04 frisch ausgerollt

Rainbow Studios liefert für MX vs ATV Legends ein weiteres Update mit dem gezielt die allgemeine Spielbarkeit und das Fahrerlebnis auf MX Bikes und ATVs verbessert wird

(MST/Speedmaniacs.de) - Mit hoher Schlagzahl liefert Rainbow Studios für sein Offroad-Game MX vs ATV Legends in dieser Woche ein weitere Update. Die frisch am Dienstag, 8. August 2023 veröffentlichte Version 2.04 folgt keine zwei Wochen nach dem letzten größeren Update und kann sich auch inhaltlich sehen lassen.

Titel-Bild zur News: MX vs ATV Legends

Das Fahren auf MX Bikes und ATVs wurde mit dem jüngsten Update verbessert Zoom

Während es wieder in den Bereichen Benutzeroberfläche, Strecken, Gameplay, Audio, Physik und Animationen weitere Überarbeitungen, Fehlerkorrekturen und Verbesserungen gibt, sind nun inhaltlich die Strecken 2023 Southwick, Spring Creek und Washougal an die realen Rennveranstaltungen angepasst worden und alle 2023 Pro Motocross DLC-Strecken und Rawlings Farm können nun auch bei regnerischen Bedingungen befahren werden.

In punkto Fahrerindividualisierung stehen Ausrüstungsgegenstände von Alpinestars Supertech Bruin und Fly Evolution DST zur Verfügung. Außerdem weisen die Entwickler darauf hin, dass die Genauigkeit der Geländeverformung sowie die Wendigkeit und der allgemeine Grip der ATVs verbessert wurden und Stunts auf MX Bikes und ATVs nun noch besser aussehen.

MX vs ATV Legends - Changelog V2.04:
-Get your umbrella ready! Rainy weather conditions have been added to all 2023 Pro Motocross DLC tracks & to Rawlings Farm.
-Track features on 2023 Southwick, Spring Creek, and Washougal have been updated to be more like the actual race events.
-New rider gear! Alpinestars Supertech Bruin and Fly Evolution DST jerseys and pants are now available in the Locker.
-The accuracy of the terrain deformation has been improved, especially over long events with heavy deformation.
-ATVs got a little love. ATV turning capabilities and overall grip have been increased.
-Stunts on MX and ATV are looking better than ever! And it's now easier to chain together big stunt combos.

Detailed changelog
-UI: Improved accuracy of Seat Bounce gauge.
-UI: Adjusted camera position when viewing ATV graphic kits in the Garage.
-Environment: Added Rainy weather conditions to all 2023 Pro Motocross DLC tracks and improved the appearance of the lighting in all other conditions.
-Environment: Added Rainy weather conditions to Rawlings Farm and improved the appearance of the lighting in all other conditions.
-Environment: Reduced shininess of wet ground and puddles during rainy weather conditions.
-Environment: Updated 2023 Southwick, Spring Creek, and Washougal track features to be more like the actual race events.
-Environment: Added some additional ramps to Freeride for 2023 Fox Raceway, Hangtown, and Thunder Valley.
-Environment: Adjusted the appearance of the terrain materials on 2023 Southwick to be more similar the real location.
-Gameplay: Fixed bugs in the stunt system which made chaining some stunts difficult (or impossible) and could cause stunt animations to malfunction.
-Gameplay: Fixed a rare bug in which a wreck animation would play immediately after resetting after while under wreck conditions.
-Gameplay: Fixed bugs causing crew members to be absent when resuming the game after a career event.
-Gameplay: Fixed a bug in the respawn penalty time on ATVs.
-Gameplay: Adjusted the ATV Follow Camera so that it behaves more like the MX Follow Camera.
-Audio: Added control of all weather sound effects to the SFX slider in Audio settings.
-Audio: Adjusted volume levels for water splashing sounds during rainy weather conditions.
-Customization: Added Alpinestars Supertech Bruin jersey and pants in two standard variations and in custom color.
-Customization: Added Fly Evolution DST jersey and pants in four variations.
-Physics: Improved the accuracy of terrain deformation, especially during long races with AI.
-Physics: Fixed a bug in terrain deformation which could result in differences between the visible terrain and the actual driving surface. This generally resulted in tires popping into the air when driving over visibly flat terrain.
-Physics: Increased the turning capabilities of ATVs by increasing the overall grip and easing turning restrictions.
-Physics: Slightly reduced the strength of braking on ATVs so to compensate for changes in grip.
-Physics: Slightly reduced the acceleration on ATVs to compensate for changes in grip, keeping their overall balance against MX Bikes intact.
-Physics: Added feature to make wheelie and stoppies easier to perform and reduce wrecks from "Whiskey Throttle" when using Pro Physics.
-Animation: Improved appearance of stunt animations.
-Animation: Improved appearance of wreck and near-wreck animations.
-Animation: Improved appearance of goggle tear-off animation.
-Animation: Improved accuracy of ATV handlebars rotation so it better matches the rotation of the wheels.
-Other: Improved framerate stability, overall performance, and possibly battery life when playing on Steam Deck.

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