• 19.03.2023 08:50

MX vs ATV Legends liefert mit V1.19 weitere Gameplayverbesserungen

Rainbow Studios versorgt das Offroad-Game MX vs ATV Legends mit einem weiteren Update - alle Details zur V1.19 und den damit verbundenen Highlights und Änderungen

(MST/Speedmaniacs.de) - Bereits Ende letzter Woche hat Rainbow Studios für MX vs ATV Legends das Update V1.19 bereitgestellt. Damit verbunden ist ein weiterer Durchgang an Gameplayverbesserungen und Fehlerkorrekturen durch die das Entwicklerstudio das Spielerlebnis weniger frustrierend und glaubhafter gestalten möchte.

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Rainbow Studios liefert weitere Verbesserungen für MX vs ATV Legends Zoom

Das offizielle Änderungsprotokoll, welches nachstehend eingesehen werden kann, gibt im Detail Auskunft darüber welche Probleme behoben wurden. Zur weiteren Verbesserung hat man zudem Anfang des Monats auf Steam die MX vs ATV Legends Public Beta zugänglich gemacht.

Durch rege Nutzung kann die MX vs ATV-Community so die Entwickler unterstützen den Fokus zukünftiger Aktualisierungen zu definieren und dabei helfen die gravierendsten Schwierigkeiten zu identifizieren.

MX vs ATV Legends - Changelog V1.19:
-Implemented additional fixes for lap tracking when racing online. All known issues have been resolved. Work will continue to improve the the underlying systems.
-Fixed the bug causing players to get stuck in the reset "ghost" state under specific client and server conditions during online races.
-Addressed the issue causing riderless bikes during online events.
-Added "Ghosting" to paused players. In an effort to reduce opportunities for griefing during online races, paused players will be transparent and will not be able to physically interact with other players.
-Fixed the bug which reset Rider Gear colorization when using Gear Paint Shop online.
-Added options to remove Roof, Light kit, and Nerfbars on all UTVs.
-Added and improved colorization of Frames and Graphic Kits on all MX Bikes.

Detailed changelog
-Gameplay: Added "Ghosting" to paused players to reduce griefing during online races. Paused players will be transparent and have no collision while paused. This effect will slowly dissipate once unpaused. This functions similarly to the "ghosting" after a reset.
-Gameplay: Improved holeshot tracking when online. Now only the first player to actually cross the holeshot will receive notification.
-Gameplay: Implemented additional fixes for lap tracking when racing online. Work will continue to improve the underlying systems.
-Gameplay: Fixed the bug causing players to get stuck in the reset "ghost" state under specific client and server conditions during online races.
-Gameplay: Addressed the issue causing riderless bikes during online events. Further fixes to the underlying issues will be addressed in future patches.
-Gameplay: Fixed possible issue in Career which could result in getting failing to progress due to fan count. This fix may resolve the issue for a stuck player after re-playing the furthest career event.
-AI: Increased AI leaning and turning capability, making it closer to that of the player. AI now have better overall performance in corners and are capable of carrying more speed through turns.
-AI: Updated the changes to AI on 2021 Fox Raceway II and to Rio Del Sol Amateur from the previous patch. AI will be much more competitive at higher difficulties, especially on Rio Del Sol Am.
-UI: Fixed the bug which reset Rider Gear colorization when using Gear Paint Shop online.
-UI: Fixed remaining issues in the tracking of Holeshot and Podium badges. The events must still be finished to earn the badges.
-UI: Fixed bug causing missing badges on Rattlesnake Sweep in the Event Selection menu.
-Environment: Resolved the bug causing the vehicle to pop up when driving over the starting gates by disabling the collision on the drop gate components.
-Environment: Fixed terrain appearance, behavior, and deformation in SX Denver.
-Environment: Added Time of Day selection to 2021 Fox Raceway II.
-Online: Made minor improvements to matchmaking algorithms to reduce the probability of being sent to a server with a match in progress.
-Online: Updated online servers and increased their reliability/resiliency.
-Animation: Corrected hip and body position when performing the bike flip stunt.
-Customization: Added "None" parts options for Roof, Light kit, and Nerfbars on all UTVs.
-Customization: Improved customization of frame colors on all MX Bikes.
-Customization: Added number plate colorization to additional MX Bike Graphic Kits.
-Customization: Resolved visual issues around number plate colorization on several MX Bike Graphic Kits.
-Audio: Updated MX 450F engine audio to improve positional accuracy and physics synchronization. Augmented pitch differences in each gear. Increased overall volume and EQ width.

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