• 10.09.2023 09:19

MX vs ATV Legends: Update V2.05 bringt noch mehr Verbesserungen

Das Offroad-Spiel MX vs ATV Legends hat in dieser Woche ein weiteres Update erhalten - was sich damit alles unter der Haube tut, ist hier zu erfahren

(MST/Speedmaniacs.de) - Am Dienstag, 5. September 2023 hat das hinter MX vs ATV Legends stehende Entwicklerstudio die Bereitstellung des plattformübergreifenden Updates V2.05 verkündet. PC- und Konsolen-Offroad-Fans kommen damit in den Genuss neuer Bekleidung, verschiedener Verbesserungen, Bugfixes und Optimierungen.

Titel-Bild zur News: MX vs ATV Legends

Rainbow Studios verbessert MX vs ATV Legends weiter Zoom

Während unter der Haube bereits das Back-end für die Bestenlisten implementiert wurde, die dann im Front-end mit dem nächsten regulären Update auf Version 2.06 bereitgestellt werden sollen, liefert die Aktualisierung verschiedene Optimierungen, darunter Überarbeitungen der Controller-Vibrationen, eine Verringerung der Regenwahrscheinlickeit bei Events und ein geringeres Risiko beim Rutschen in einem Unfall zu enden.

Das Änderungsprotokoll weist darüber hinaus verschiedene Überarbeitungen der Benutzeroberfläche, Fehlerkorrekturen und Verbesserungen in den Bereichen Strecken, Gameplay, Audio, Online, Physik und Animation aus und dokumentiert mit einem ähnlichen Umfang wie bei der vorherigen Aktualisierung, dass Rainbow Studios auch im August viel Zeit investiert hat, um das Spielerlebnis weiter zu perfektionieren.

MX vs ATV Legends - Changelog V2.05:
-Due to the overwhelmingly positive feedback on 2023 Unadilla, we've decided to leave the track unchanged despite the difference in the actual race event.
-Track features on 2023 Loretta Lynn's have been updated to be more like the actual race event.
-Supercross and Nationals online playlists have been updated. Thanks for all your feedback this Summer. Keep it coming.
-Controller vibration has been totally overhauled! Feel the difference when the RPMs hit the redline or your tires start to slip.
-New Gear! Thor Prime Rival jersey and pants in 4 standard colors and 1 custom!
-Get ready to lay down some hot laps! Leaderboards are coming soon!
-The chance of getting Rainy weather conditions for events has been decreased to 10%
-Significantly increased wreck thresholds, so that players are less likely to crash while sliding
-Clutch Boost has been adjusted so that the length of boost is shortened
-Added new free ride elements to Pro Motocross environments.

Detailed changelog
-UI: Increased the font size of body text in most menus.
-UI: Updated Locker and Parts icons for increased legibility.
-UI: Vibration settings have been moved from Gameplay Settings to Control Settings.
-UI: Fixed a persistent and long-standing crash in the menu input legend system.
-Environment: Updated track features on 2023 Loretta Lynn's to be more like the actual race event.
-Environment: Added ramps and other Free Ride gameplay elements to 2023 Pro Motocross tracks.
-Gameplay: AI improvements to track navigation and course correction, especially when negotiating 180° turns.
-Gameplay: Fixed a rare bug would trigger the same Near Wreck animations multiple times in a row.
-Gameplay: Adjusted timing required to perform dual-stick stunts to make it easier to perform if pressing the stunt button before providing the stunt input on the sticks.
-Gameplay: Fixed issue allowing reversing to overcome the brake control restrictions during some stunt and near wreck animations.
-Gameplay: Tweaked control restrictions on ground stunts.
-Gameplay: Smoothed camera movements when driving on sloped surfaces and when ascending/descending in-air.
-Gameplay: Fixed a persistent and long-standing crash in the system for updating career data.
-Gameplay: Overhauled the controller vibration system and added more options for controlling the haptic feedback experience.
-Gameplay: Added vibration feedback when reaching the RPM redline.
-Audio: Fixed missing localized voiceover for non-English languages.
-Online: Updated Supercross and Nationals online playlists based on feedback and player data gathered during the Summercross event. Supercross is now 5 laps with a 60-second lobby. Nationals is now 3 laps with a 90-second lobby.
-Online: Leaderboard infrastructure is in place. Over the course of this patch we will start collecting lap times and refining the system. Expect the full Leaderboard release in the next patch.
-Online: Improved server stability and error reporting.
-Online: Fixed a bug which could cause the wrong riders to appear on the podium if a spectator was present or if a player left the match.
-Online: Improved the clarity Spectators in the race results by marking and sorting their positions correctly and nullifying their stats.
Customization: Added Thor Prime Rival jersey and pants in 4 standard colors and 1 custom.
-Physics: Made it easier to seat-bounce while leaning with the right-stick.
-Physics: Significantly increased the wreck thresholds when sliding, especially at high-speed.
-Physics: Fixed uncommon bug causing a wreck to trigger after turning or sliding in corners.
-Physics: Slightly shortened the length of time the clutch boost is applied to reduce overall acceleration when using the clutch.
-Animation: Improved ATV stunt animations and fixed several instances of the rider's torso twisting.
-Animation: Improved blending of tear-off animation with the other riding animations.

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