• 23.01.2018 19:36

RaceRoom: Dedicated Server verbessert und Update-Vorschau

Sector3 Studios schraubt weiter an der Funktionalität seiner Rennsimulation und kündigt für diese die Aufnahme einer beliebten Strecke in das Portfolio an

(MST/Speedmaniacs.de) - Schon in der letzten Woche musste Sector3 Studios zwei Mal die Dedicated Server-Funktionen auf Grund von Fehlersituationen nachbessern. Während einer acht Stunden langen Downtime haben die Entwickler am Montag nun den Funktionsumfang erweitert. Auskunft über die Änderungen im Detail gibt das offizielle Änderungsprotokoll.

Titel-Bild zur News: RaceRoom Racing Experience

Road America haben sich viele RaceRoom-Fans gewünscht Zoom

Außerdem hat man angekündigt, dass man mit dem nächsten Update von RaceRoom Racing Experience einen Wunsch vieler Fans erfüllen und nach dem Fokus zuletzt auf europäischen und asiatischen Strecken den 6,5 Kilometer langen Straßenkurs Road America in die PC-Rennsimulation bringen wird.

RaceRoom Racing Experience - 22.01.2018-Hotfix-Changelog:
-Dedicated server now refuses incoming connections as soon as a session timer has reached zero. This will shorten the wait some players experienced where dedicated servers could be seen waiting for players for several minutes before moving on.
-Added Incident reports in dedicated server json result files. Incidents are reported for each player per session and per lap. They are given a type of incident as well as a severity indicator in points. Incident types are as follows:
--Type 0 = Car to car collision
--Type 1 = Collision with a track object
--Type 2 = Going the wrong way
--Type 3 = Going off track
--Type 4 = Staying stationary on the track
--Type 5 = Losing control of the vehicle
--Type 6 = Not serving a penalty
--Type 7 = Disconnecting / Giving up before the end of a race
--Type 8 = Missing the race start
-Fixed custom images for dedicated servers that were failing to upload
-Deployed some various server side fixes.

Additional note:
Related to the Incident reports, players can have the incidents output showing live in their game through the "Chat" system messages (yellow text) by doing so:
-Right-click the game in your Steam library
-Select Properties
-In the window that opened, in the General tab, click "SET LAUNCH OPTIONS"
-Add: "-repSystemDebug" (without the quotation marks)
-Start the game

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