• 15.04.2009 09:07

RACE Pro: Neuigkeiten zum Titel-Update

Entwickler SimBin hat Informationen, wann der Patch für RACE Pro voraussichtlich verfügbar sein wird vorgelegt

(MST/Speedmaniacs.de) - Nicht ganz einen Monat nachdem SimBin ausführliche Informationen zum RACE Pro-Patch bereitstellte, informieren die Entwickler kurz nach Ostern, dass das Titelupdate für die Xbox 360-Rennsimulation an Microsoft übermittelt wurde.

Titel-Bild zur News: RACE Pro

Allzu lange müssen die Spieler wohl nicht mehr auf den Patch warten

Insofern der Zertifizierungsprozess ohne Probleme durchlaufen wird, ist laut offizieller Aussage "mit einer Veröffentlichung noch vor Ende April" zu rechnen.#w1#

Das Update beinhaltet zahlreiche allgemeine Fehlerkorrekturen und Modifikationen und Verbesserungen des Mehrspielermodus. Welche Änderungen der Patch beinhalten wird, kann der nachfolgenden aktualisierten Übersicht entnommen werden.

-Fixed bug causing the game to crash when 12 players have joined and left a multiplayer game
-Disallow connections to host if they are not waiting for players.
-Fixed the "fast forward" / speed bug currently generating some unrealistic race times in leaderboards.
-Fixed problem with lap times being reported to the wrong leaderboard when moving on to the next track in multiplayer.
-Fixed problem of a player joining during session activation causing the client to get stuck in the loading screen.
-Fixed issue when creating a session with downloaded car and inviting a player that doesn't have the car
-Fixed name of tracks on servers list when players do several sessions in a row
-Fixed incorrect race length value seen in game list screen
-Fixed transparent car that appears after un-pausing in multiplayer qualification
-Fixed the incorrect message that appears when attempting to access multiplayer without a gamer profile signed-in and if selecting Multiplayer with an offline gamer profile
-Set default host option of qualification to NO in multiplayer for players that have never hosted a game in Race Pro before
-New messages: Display some session info in-game so players can recognize where in the game they are
-New messages: Add a specific multiplayer loading tip showing 50 per cent of loading time in player match only.

allgemeine Verbesserungen:
-Fixed performance drop while driving over curb
-Improved deformation of cars
-Fixed hot seat start position problems
-Removed dangerous driving dialogues when entering loading screen
-Fixed crash when the player tries to enter the end pit driving backwards and wants to restart the race after the losing message
-Fixed some localization bugs
-Locked F3000 car #12 and unlocked the Corvette C5R since there is no contract for it in Career mode
-Fixed validation for replay files to allow replay files saved between year 2000 and 2099
-Fixed sound bug making Doppler effect of other cars sound corrupt in swing cam
-Fixed force feedback detection for wheels and slightly improved strength of force
-Adjusted the Seat Leon Extreme Tryout time
-Fixed sound bug making the rev sounds on some cars not transition smoothly (including Mini Cooper and BMW M3 GTR)
-Fixed sound bug with the force calculation of picking the correct collision sound

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