• 19.11.2023 10:32

EA Sports WRC: Neues Update V1.3.0 am Start

EA Sports WRC ruft alle Rallyefans zum Boxenstopp -was die Version 1.3.0 an Änderungen für PC und Konsolen mit sich bringt

(MST/Speedmaniacs.de) - Nachdem in der Vorwoche das Update V1.2.0 von EA/Codemasters veröffentlicht, anfänglich aber mit falscher Versionsangabe kommuniziert wurde, steht seit Donnerstag, 16. November 2023 der zweite Patch für PC- und Konsolengamer bereit mit dem EA Sports WRC auf V1.3.0 aktualisiert wird.

Titel-Bild zur News: EA Sports WRC

In dieser Woche ist der richtige 1.3.0-Patch für EA Sports WRC erschienen Zoom

Das aktuelle Update beinhaltet weitere Anpassungen im Bereich der Grafikdarstellung, um vor allem bei der PC-Version auftretende Unterbrechungen beim Ladevorgang zu beheben und zusätzlich allen Plattformen zugutekommende Stabilitäts- und Performance-Verbesserungen.

Wie das nachstehend einsehbar vollständige Änderungsprotokoll zeigt, sind mit der Aktualisierung verschiedene Fehlerbehebungen verbunden und auch erste Optimierungen, so zum Beispiel für den Einsatz der Co-Pilot-Ansagen. Ferner wird die Navigation durch die Spielmenüs unter Verwendung von Lenkrädern verbessert.

Für die Rallye-Locations Finnland, Japan, Kenia, Mediterraneo, Mexiko werden verschiedene Maßnahmen aufgeführt die zu einer ansprechenderen Präsentation führen sollen.

Die nächste reguläre Aktualisierung für das Spiel soll Mitte Dezember erfolgen.

EA Sports WRC - V1.3.0-Changelog:
Key Fixes
-Updated shader compilation to support seasonal variants, to further reduce the possibility of stutter on PC.
-Updated shader compilation to support weather variants, to further reduce the possibility of stutter on PC.
-Made multiple stability and performance improvements across the game on all platforms.

-Fixed an issue where AI damage and mishaps occurred too frequently.

-Adjusted Co-Driver call timings for the "Earliest", "Earlier" and "Normal" settings, to deliver pace notes earlier.

Crash Fixes
-Fixed an issue where the game would crash while joining a Quick Play Multiplayer lobby.
-Fixed an issue where the game would crash while waiting in the pause menu at Scandia.
-Fixed an issue where the game would crash while completing a Season of Career after winning the WRC2 Championship.

Graphics and Visuals
-Fixed an issue where brightness in interior views was either over or underexposed in certain conditions at Mexico.
-Fixed an issue where brightness in interior views was either over or underexposed in certain conditions at Scandia.
-Fixed an issue where brightness in interior views was either over or underexposed in certain conditions at Sweden.

Input Devices
-Fixed an issue where framerate would be negatively impacted by the number of peripherals connected to a player's PC.
-Fixed an issue where in-game menus could not be navigated while using the Fanatec ClubSport Steering Wheel BMW GT2 V2.
-Fixed an issue where in-game menus could not be navigated while using the Fanatec ClubSport Steering Wheel F1 Esports V2.
-Fixed an issue where in-game menus could not be navigated while using the Fanatec CSL DD with the Fanatec CSL Elite Steering Wheel McLaren GT3 V2.
-Fixed an issue where in-game menus could not be navigated while using the Fanatec CSL Elite Wheel Base.
-Fixed an issue where in-game menus could not be navigated while using the Fanatec GT DD Pro with the Fanatec ClubSport Steering Wheel BMW GT2 V2.
-Fixed an issue where in-game menus could not be navigated while using the Fanatec Podium Hub.

-Made a number of performance improvements and optimisations to Finland, including reducing the possibility of screen tearing.
-Made a number of performance improvements and optimisations to Japan, including reducing the possibility of screen tearing.
-Made a number of performance improvements and optimisations to Kenya, including reducing the possibility of screen tearing.
-Made a number of performance improvements and optimisations to Mediterraneo, including reducing the possibility of screen tearing.
-Made a number of performance improvements and optimisations to Mexico, including reducing the possibility of screen tearing.
-Fixed an issue where wet surfaces were using dry weather physics at Oceania.

Options and Settings
-Changed the default Graphics settings for Reflections to Medium, when using High or Ultra graphics presets, to reduce CPU throttling (note: does not overwrite custom selected settings).

Server Connectivity
-Fixed an issue which caused players to receive error CE-108255-1 when connecting to EA servers.

-Fixed an issue where End, Pause and Resume telemetry channels were being re-sent every frame.

User Interface and HUD
-Fixed an issue where split timings were comparing driver performance to the overall stage winner, and not the current stage leader.

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