• 06.08.2013 13:58

R3E: Neues Update V0.2.2.1724 und Infos vom Creative Director

SimBin Studios hat V0.2.2.1724 veröffentlicht und Diego Sartori gibt Auskunft zu von den RaceRoom Racing Experience-Spielern gestellten Fragen

(MST/Speedmaniacs.de) - Diego Sartori, Creative Director bei SimBin, hat im ersten Video einer mehrteiligen Serie, in der die von den RaceRoom Racing Experience-Spielern gestellten Fragen beantwortet werden, sich zu den Themen AI, Nachtrennen und Nordschleife geäußert. Im 8:11 Minuten langen Video gibt Sartori ausführlicher Auskunft zu einzelnen Themen und erklärt zum Beispiel, dass Nachtrennen aus Kostengründen und anderen Erwägungen nicht in dem in der Basisversion kostenlosen PC-Rennspiel möglich sein werden.

Titel-Bild zur News: RaceRoom Racing Experience

SimBin hat eine neue Version der Open Beta von R3E veröffentlicht Zoom

Stattdessen arbeitet man an sogenannten "Racing Moods" die als Ersatz unterschiedliche Stimmungen und Bedingungen auf den Bildschirm bringen hat aber diesbezüglich noch einige Hausaufgaben zu erledigen. Fans der Nordschleife des Nürburgrings dürften zufrieden zur Kenntnis nehmen, dass SimBin sich darum bemüht die Streckenlizenz für R3E zu erhalten und bereits auf technischer Seite einige grundlegende Vorbereitungen getroffen wurden die Nordschleife spielbar zu machen.

Via Steam wurde zudem ein umfassendes Update veröffentlicht. Die nun aktuelle Open Beta-Version erfährt damit einige Änderungen und wird um diverse Fehler bereinigt. In der Zusammenfassung sind alle Punkte an denen gearbeitet wurde einzeln aufgeführt.

RaceRoom Racing Experience Open Beta V0.2.2.1724-Changelog:
Game and Code
-Added Wrecker prevention. This is mainly for upcoming features but also works in Track Test. Player car will be ghosted when it resets, when it drives the wrong way and similar scenarios.
-Renamed our executables to RRRE to help with issues some 3rd party programs were having. Unfortunately, your 3rd party program might also need an update to support the change.
-Fixed an issue with downloading own ghosts if local ghost file has been deleted.
-Fixed ghost trying to download and fail when starting a competition you already have an entry in.
-Fixed Expert Apex hunt completion screen skipping without any key press.
-Improved the logging functionality to provide us more information on certain errors (e.g. error code 2).
-Fixed smoke render making the car edges look pixelated on some systems.
-Fixed a DirectX particle related issue that could cause a crash on some systems.
-Fixed an issue where maintenance mode messaging wasn't handled graciously if the player was in the game when the maintenance mode was activated.
-Fixed a crash that could occur when entering a track after leaving another track.
-Fixed fast motion blur appearing corrupt on some occasion.
-Fixed complex motion blur not working in cockpit mode.
-Updated default controller profile for Thrustmaster F430 FFB. FFB Rumble and speed sensitive steering set to 0.
-Fixed a distance issue with tire mark generation.
-Alpina is now called BMW Alpina.
-Updated copyright info on executable details.
-Fixed an issue with sound manager in code that could cause a rare crash.
-Fixed some hud strings appearing unlocalized in replay.
-Fixed an issue when using an assigned clutch button, the values for clutch sensitivity and steering sensitivity would become synchronous.
-Fixed a crash that could occur when changing video settings on some systems.
-Improved overall environment shadows.
-Shadow split is now ON by default in medium preset in video settings.
-Fixed confirm button string in Spanish on buy popups.
-Optimized loading times.
-Fixed an issue with first replay file not getting a number and ending up showing in wrong - order.
-Fixed a memory leak after game initialization.
-Prepared the build for future content releases.

-Implemented discount functionality.
-Fixed an issue where some users were getting "Server connection timeout" issues for a long time.
-Fixed an issue where position bar wasn't getting filled with other entries, when doing a class based LBC in novice mode.
-Fixed an issue where top banners in store page were sometimes not appearing correctly.
-Fixed an issue where player LB entry was not centered in the table.
-Fixed jump to my position not functioning correctly.
-Fixed an inconsistency between the LB position number in in-game position bar and LB entry in the LB table.
-Fixed gPos showing the same position as the filtered position when filtering a LB.
-Fixed an issue where you could get multiple entries of a car in a LB.
-Fixed an issue where LB entries of friends weren't showing in the bar above the LB table.
-Added a friendlier internal server error page.
-Added a user friendly page for users getting currency mismatch error.
-Added a user friendly error message for transaction failures.
-Fixed an issue where some users were having currency mismatch issues when trying to purchase VRP's.
-Added Discounted items page to the store. (Won't be visible until there are discounts)
-Added purchased items store page
-Added recent content store page and set it as main page in the store
-Added most popular content store page
-Added ability to see individual liveries in large screenshots when magnifying.
-Fixed functions like search and login not working on websites set as widget in dashboard.
-Added VRP currency change option.

-Tweaked Raceroom Hillclimb shadows
-Fixed minor issues on lamp posts, fixed structures and some trees not casting shadows in Monza.
-Adjusted/tweaked the particles for all cars for better ambient lighting.
-Improved collision shape for all cars.

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