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MX vs ATV Legends: Dezember-Update mit 2 neuen Add-ons, Physik-Update und mehr
Zum Jahresende stellt Rainbow Studios für MX vs ATV Legends das Update auf V3.17 bereit das inhaltlich eine Menge zu bieten hat, während zwei neue Add-ons für noch mehr Vielfalt sorgen
(MST/ - Zum Anfang der Woche hat Rainbow Studios das Dezember-Update für MX vs ATV Legends veröffentlicht. Gleichzeitig stehen mit dem Triumph Pack 2024 und Lawrence Dog Pound Pack - hier klicken und die Videos zu den Add-ons ansehen - zwei kostenpflichtige Erweiterungen bereit.

© Rainbow Studios
Rainbow Studios liefert vor den Feiertagen zwei Add-ons mit neuen Spielinhalten Zoom
Für 4,99 EUR gibt es zwei aktuelle Maschinen von Triumph. Nicht weniger als drei brandneue Strecken warten im Lawrence Dog Pound-Trainingsareal für 7,99 EUR. Als Bonus gibt es die überarbeitete Version der Flying Moto Ranch aus MX vs ATV All Out mit satten 9 Events und kostenloser Free Ride-Umgebung dazu.
Aber auch abseits der Add-ons hält die neue Version 3.17 für Offroad-Fans einige Anreize bereit. Neben neuen Individualisierungsoptionen, stechen diesmal größere Überarbeitungen des Physik-Systems heraus, durch die das Fahrverhalten der MX Bikes, ATVs und UTVs aufgewertet wird. Darüber hinaus zeigt das Änderungsprotokoll weitere Anpassungen und Korrekturen in verschiedenen Spielbereichen.
MX vs ATV Legends - Changelog V3.17:
Additions and Updates
-The Dog Pound Pack is unleashed today! Push your skills to the limit on the Lawrence Dog Pound test tracks. Then take a nostalgia trip to the Flying Moto Ranch compound from MX vs. ATV All Out!
-Out Now! The all-new 2025 Triumph bike pack includes the 2025 TF 250 -X and TF 450-RC Edition, unique graphic kits from SKDA, and race team kits and gear as an added bonus.
-Suspension overhaul! Suspension behaviors are more consistent and predictable than ever whether you're skimming whoops, landing jumps, or cornering. Suspension has less "pop" when bottoming-out. And it is softer and more capable of handling obstacles.
-New styles for Bell Moto-10 helmets are waiting for you in the Locker! Check out stock and custom variants for Carbon Fiber, Evade, and Sliced!
-Or Bell Moto-10 collabs: SlayCo, Renen Raycon, Replica 22, and Replica 24!
-Even Bell Moto-10 Monster Energy Pro Circuit helmets have been updated with new Carbon Fiber, Custom, and Replica 24 variants!
-While you're there, check out the try on new uniforms: Fox Flexair Magnetic and TLD SE Ultra Reverb.
-Owners of OEM Vehicle DLC will also get bonus Race Team variant uniforms: Yamaha Alpinestars Supertech Ward, Honda Fly Racing Lite, and Kawasaki Fox Flexair Magnetic.
-New parts in the Garage! Pick up DID Original DirtStar wheels for MX Bikes and ODI Half-Waffle grips on all MX Bikes and ATVs.
-Rival Ink Stock 24 graphics are now available on 2023-2024 KTM MX Bikes in stock and custom styles!
Fixes and Improvements
-Fixed an issue which would cause the vehicles tires to sink into the ground when bottoming-out. This issue would then cause other undesirable behaviors to occur like suspension popping and poor hook-up in turns. Most driving behaviors are now more accurate and consistent, especially on MX Bikes.
-Suspension, Chassis, and Traction tuning parts have been adjusted in response to the suspension changes. We recommend testing the suspension changes on a stock tune then adjusting the tuning to your preference.
-Adjusted tire friction calculations so that the vehicle behaves more consistently when applying throttle, releasing throttle, or braking.
-Increased contributions from Turning when using only the brake and turning to initiate a brake-slide.
-Adjusted ATV power curves and vehicle weight to make ATVs feel more stable.
-Greatly improved ATV suspension dampening and rebound to reduce bouncing and improve capabilities in whoops.
-Improved UTV handling when sliding or cornering, and reduced likelihood of spinning out or doing a 180 when applying full brakes. A 180 can still be performed by applying just the rear brake.
-Fixed split lane section in 2024 Washougal and added markers to clarify split.
-Adjusted and cleaned-up 2024 Pro Motocross intro and results animations.
-Moved lights off the track in 2024 Red Bud after track updates.
-Moved lights off the Rawling's Cornfield pit bike track after lighting update.
-Lowered intensity of light cast by jumbotrons and fixed the explosive lens flare from the jumbotron in Indianapolis SX.
-AI reduce throttle when the colliding with other riders to decrease the amount of time they remain in contact "stuck” to other riders.
-Adjusted input handling for rider elevation system. When going over bumps, elevation controls should not feel like they are inverting when going airborne between every bump.
-The automatic gearbox will no longer shift during the clutch boost to maximize boost output.
-Reduced reset time for UTVs.
-UTVs no longer experience wrecks when from frame collisions except when upside-down.
-Created new Series and Playlists which encompass each season of content from the Base Game to the end of Season 3.
-When Spectating, the HUD now displays an estimated time until the end of the race.
-Updated loading screen.
-Added controls to speed-up or stop the Credits to down and up menu navigation.
-Removed unused or outdated during info from Series.
-Playlists containing un-owned DLC are now visible in the menu and display a lock icon. When selecting a playlist with missing DLC content, a menu will appear with a list of the missing DLC and links to the store.
-Fixed grips clipping the handlebars in the Garage menu.
-Improved blending between ATV rider body animations when leaning and cornering. And added more extreme left and right leaning poses for the ATV rider.
-Adjusted speed thresholds for stand/sitting riding animations.
-The rider now sits up a bit straighter and remains more upright when cornering unless leaning deliberately.
-Improved rider body position when performing a seat bounce, especially right before going airborne.
-The rider now moves more deliberately during bumps, take-offs, and landings.
-New variants of the Thor Spectrum gloves have been added to the locker: Orange, Acid, and Custom!
-A crash experienced when navigating the Garage or Locker should now be resolved.
Known Issues
-Frame rates exceeding 60 FPS may experience visual errors and inconsistent gameplay behaviors, especially when exceeding 120 FPS.
-Shift sounds can still trigger at the incorrect revs. These issues are currently being addressed. More news to come as work progresses.

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