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  • 11.07.2017 17:41

Wreckfest: Entwicklerteam liefert weitere Updates ab

Das actionreiche Wreckfest hält die Entwickler und Spieler weiter beschäftigt, denn Bugbear Entertainment hat für die Juni-Version weitere Updates veröffentlicht

(MST/Speedmaniacs.de) - Eine Woche ist seit dem großen Juni-Update für die Steam Early Access-Version von Wreckfest vergangen. Genau genommen wenig Zeit, doch die wurde von den Entwicklern intensiv genutzt, um weitere Verbesserungen umzusetzen und von der Community gemeldete Probleme zu analysieren und zu beheben.

Titel-Bild zur News: Wreckfest

Bei Wreckfest darf auch richtig gerempelt werden Zoom

So folgte am Mittwoch letzer Woche ein zweites Hotfix das nicht weniger viele Punkte an Änderungen enthielt als das erste Hotfix. Zum Wochenende haben die Finnen den Hotfix Nummer drei ausgerollt mit dem man weitere Optimierungen vornimmt, vor allem aber die Stabilität der Dedicated-Server-Komponente und allgemeine Serverstabilität verbessert.

Wreckfest: Hotfix 3 - 07.07.2017-Changelog:
-Improved dedicated server resilience to network interruptions.
-Server Browser now displays more information about servers running custom content.
-In multiplayer Results screen, typing in the chat will no longer bring up the Leaderboards screen or Spectate mode.
-In Lobby, the chat now has a semi-transparent background to make it more legible.
-Fixed American 3 damaged light.
-Improved Clear Day weather.

Wreckfest: Hotfix 2 - 05.07.2017-Changelog:
-Dedicated server no longer crashes randomly.
-In Lobby, server name and server message are now displayed correctly and updated appropriately in the Options tab.
-Admin can no longer get stuck in the Options tab when the race countdown reaches 10s.
-Leaderboards and Spectate buttons now work on game controllers when waiting for others to finish the race.
-In multiplayer, the rewards popup no longer flashes on the screen when loading the next track.
-In Lobby, ESC icon now has the correct description "Game Menu?.
-In the Leaderboards screen, the tab highlight now works correctly.
-In the Quick Race menu, it's now possible to rotate the camera when selecting the car.
-In the Quick Race menu, AI Class now changes correctly even after changing car and AI Set repeatedly.
-In the Quick Race menu, when returning to the Track tab the view now correctly centers to the previously selected track.
-The game no longer crashes at the race start due to a missing AI Set start after playing a quick race with a custom AI Set from a mod, removing the said mod and then proceeding to a quick race again without manually setting the AI Set.
-In Photo Mode and Replay, Spherical Camera zoom now works again.
-In Replay, Play/Pause button now looks correct when toggling state.

-American 5 cameras now match those of the other cars.
-American 1 locked differential and American 5 open differential now have correct power distribution.
-AI players no longer ram each other right after the green light on short tracks.

-Taking the joker shortcut on Mixed 4 no longer results in the position list going haywire - also fixes other similar cases where the alternative route is on the same stretch of the track as the starting grid.
-Starting grid is now correctly sorted on tracks where the grid is located on an alternative route, Dirt Speedway Figure 8 being the most obvious example.
-Small Stadium no longer has a mini Borg ship floating above the stadium.
-Concrete barriers like found on Figure 8 now break up easier when hit.
-Steel arm-cos on Mixed 4 now have proper collisions.
-Improved checkpoints on Tarmac 1, Sandpit 1, Sandpit 2, Sandpit 3, Dirt Oval, Mixed 7 to prevent cheating.
-Fixed obstructed Replay cameras found on Speedway 1 Oval, Sandpit 1, Sandpit 3.

-Direct reference to a scne file is again allowed in the event settings bag file (evse).

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