• 09.12.2016 18:54

WRC 6: Neuer Patch für PC, PS4 und Xbox One

Kylotonn Racing Games hat plattformübergreifend für sein Rallye-Rennspiel WRC 6 einen neuen Patch ausgerollt; zu den Verbesserungen gibt es hier mehr Details

(MST/Speedmaniacs.de) - Rallyefans die WRC 6 von Kylotonn Racing Games besitzen erwartet, unabhängig davon ob es die PC-, PS4- oder Xbox One-Version ist, jetzt ein Update mit dem die französischen Entwickler nach eigenen Angaben viele Fehlerbehebungen und ein neues Belohnungssystem für die wöchentlichen Events bereitstellen.

Titel-Bild zur News: WRC 6

Für alle Versionen von WRC 6 steht ein frisches Update bereit Zoom

In diesem Zusammenhang bedankt man sich bei den Käufern ausdrücklich für die Geduld, die diese seit dem letzten Update gezeigt haben. Welche Änderungen je nach System im Patch enthalten sind und eine vollständige Übersicht zu den bisherigen Updates gibt die nachstehende Zusammenfassung.

WRC 6 - Updateübersicht PC-Version:
Version 1.0.5 (08.12.2016)
-Add Physics simulation setting. Low simulation decreases cpu cost but might add stuttering with vsync.
-Add Brazilian Portuguese localisation
-Add Japanese localisation
-Add Simplified Chinese localisation
-Add Korean localisation
-Add weekly event rewards on driver card
-Fixed steering wheel inputs binding for non-supported wheels
-Fixed Fanatec handbrake plugged on Fanatac pedals V3
-Fix 2nd external camera not being properly saved/restored
-Fix Neste Rally Finland logo
-Online replay bug fix after cancelling downloaded data message box
-Added setup tips on car parameters
-Other players markers on progress bar visibility bug fix
-Fix skidmarks during replays

Version 1.0.41 (18.10.2016)
-Wheel angle gauge not displayed anymore when not supported
-Added option to switch copilot language in Gameplay -> Copilot: If option is changed while ingame, copilot will finish the current pacenotes in previous language before switching
-Crash fix when going to advance setup when playing against a leaderboard ghost
-Portugal SSS Lousada respawn bug fix
-Spain SSS Barcelona respawn bug fix
-G920 X Button / B Button fixed
-Reduced stuttering when vsync enabled (50Hz, 60Hz): need to restart race is setting changed during a race
-Driver wheel angle restored when leaving game
-(Possible crash fix when game window focus change)

Version 1.0.31 (14.10.2016)
-DirectX error at launch fixed
-Lobby not transitioning to race bug fix
-Lobby creation bug fix when choosing "SSS Only? option
-Added more checks to avoid posting wrong / cheated scores on leaderboards
-Fixed Force Feedback effects not being stopped when game is paused or race -is finished on Logitech G920

Version 1.0.2 (13.10.2016)
-Fixed Logitech MOMO Racing
-Austalia Nambucca checkpoint bug fix
-Fixed WRC2 "R5? cars 6th gear
-Fixed "Amateur? accomplishment
-Fixed "Ace? accomplishment

Version 1.0.1 (07.10.2016)
-Fix launching crash

WRC 6 - Updateübersicht PS4-Version:
Version 1.02
-Add Brazilian Portuguese localisation
-Add weekly events rewards on driver card
-Add option to switch co-driver language
-Add wheel FFB effects on collision
-Fix gearbox on WRC2 cars
-Fix skid marks during replays
-Fix respawns, checkpoints and race progress on various stages
-Fix 2nd external camera not being properly saved/restored
-Fix Neste Rally Finland logo

Version 1.01
-Add Polish localisation
-Fix cockpit HUD for player 2 in splitscreen mode
-Fix driver card country modification not being properly saved
-Fix opponent times on Fernet Branca
-Fix rare respawn issue after getting puncture
-Fix sound being sometimes muted on podium sequence
-Fix Crash-test dummy trophy
-Fix Ace and Amateur accomplishments
-Network stability fixes

WRC 6 - Updateübersicht Xbox One-Version:
-Add Brazilian Portuguese localisation
-Add weekly event rewards on driver card
-Add option to switch co-driver language
-Add wheel FFB effects on collision
-Fix gearbox on WRC2 cars
-Fix skid marks during replays
-Fix respawns, checkpoints and race progress on various stages
-Fix 2nd external camera not being properly saved/restored
-Fix Neste Rally Finland logo

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