• 03.07.2015 17:42

Wreckfest: Neue Version mit DX11, PBR, 64-Bit-Version und mehr

Nach langer Wartezeit hat Bugbear Entertainment ein neues Build der Steam Early Access-Version zu Wreckfest und einen ersten Hotfix dazu veröffentlicht

(MST/Speedmaniacs.de) - Auf die Mitte Juni erfolgte Ankündigung einer neuen Version von Wreckfest (ehemals Next Car Game; Anm. d. Red.) in der bereits die größten Neuerungen vorweg genommen wurden, hat Bugbear Entertainment das neue Build der Steam Early Access-Version kürzlich freigegeben.

Titel-Bild zur News: Wreckfest

Das neueste Build bringt grundlegende Änderungen ist aber noch von einigen Bugs betroffen Zoom

Die Unterstützung von physikbasiertem Rendering, kurz PBR, DirectX 11, eine 64-Bit-Exe und erste Version eines Dedicated Servers zählen neben diversen Bugfixes und einer kompletten Überarbeitung der Physik zu den großen Änderungen der nun vorliegenden Spielversion für die sich die Entwickler ein Dreivierteljahr Zeit genommen haben.

Auf inhaltlicher Seite gibt es mit dem American Muscle 3 und European Coupé 2 und einer neuen Oval-Rennstrecke ebenfalls etwas Neues. Dicht gefolgt auf die Bereitstellung des aktuellen Builds wurde ein erster Hotfix veröffentlicht mit dem einige weitere Fehler behoben werden. Wie immer können alle Änderungen in den einzelnen Bereichen anhand der nachfolgenden Changelogs nachvollzogen werden.

Wreckfest - Hotfix 01.07.2015-Changelog:
-Fixed a bug with prediction causing massive lag with remote cars in multiplayer.
-Fixed cars not being located to their start grid positions in multiplayer.
-Fixed cars sometimes flying to space and through ground.
-Fixed rendering being shattered after alt+tab in DX9.
-Fixed leaderboards crashing beyond 50 entries.
-Fixed menus receiving mouse input with Steam overlay active.
-Fixed slow spherical camera rotation with mouse when a wheel is active.
-Set wheel default speed sensitivity to zero.
-Added camera shake intensity slider.

Wreckfest - Build 30.06.2015-Changelog:
-Added a 64bit executable.
-Fixed out of memory errors with high texture quality (on systems with enough memory).

-Implemented multi-body suspension physics.
-Implemented physically based tire model.
-Implemented proper clutch (no manual yet).
-Improved visual damage accuracy from collisions.
-Transferred physical vehicle parameters to a new data system for future modding support.
-Improved accuracy of car-vs-car collisions.
-Fixed car part simulation.
-Fixed car-vs-environment visual damage.
-Implemented surface bump for surfaces.

-Implemented physically based renderer (PBR) enabling higher quality materials and lighting.
-Implemented initial version of the DX11 renderer (pending optimization).
-Implemented hardware multisample antialiasing (MSAA) up to 16x (resolution dependant).
Implemented foliage transparency antialiasing (alpha to coverage).

-Controllers are now re-detected upon entering options.
-Steering sensitivity slider range is now consistent with brake/accelerator sensitivity sliders.
-Fixed crash when controller name contained non-ascii characters (like ©).
-Fixed keyboard key unmapping.

-Added new game mode: Team Race (2-4 teams).
-Added new game mode: Elimination Race (2-4 teams).
-Car is now slowed down and a HUD indicator shown when driving the wrong way / missing a checkpoint.
-Implement race statistics collecting (per car stats accessible from car selector, per track stats from event selection).
-Replay now tracks whether tires are lost or still attached.
-Fixed an issue in which damage would occasionally carry over to single player after exiting a multiplayer game.
-Increased maximum number of laps to 60 (replay may be cut short though).
-Implemented more accurate lap time measurement.
Added Steam leaderboards.

-Improved throttle and brake management.
-Improved avoidance of other cars.
-Improved starting grid behaviour.
-AI now drives better on angled surface.

-Implemented camera shake effect for collisions.
-Cinematic camera can move along a predefined path (not used yet).
-Improved replay camera positions on all tracks.

-New car: American Muscle 3.
-New car: European Coupe 2.
-Added more alternative skins.

-Car upgrade selections are now saved.
-Added engine subcomponent upgrades (light on choice for now).

-Added new oval track.
-Added overhauled Sandpit track.
-Improved AI splines.
-Added pit areas (for future use).

User Interface:
-Redline and max RPM in tachometer are now dynamic based on the engine.
-Disabled shoddy looking RPM meter needle smoothing.
-Split time to player in front of the player is now shown at certain split points during races.
-Concise race standings are now shown in HUD during races.
-Race winner is now shown in HUD.
-In-race results overlay now always shows the top positions in addition to the player's.
-In-race results overlay is now accessible in photo/replay/spectate modes.
-Fixed various problems with in-game HUD in replay.
-Added an option to hide HUD during races.
-Player name overlay can be now hidden directly from replay UI.
-Added photo mode hotkeys to cycle between car targets.
-Graphics options are now adjustable from in-game settings menu.
-Improved launcher layout for 720p screens.
-Launcher is now not shown if settings loading succeeds.
-Fixed a bug affecting primary graphics adapter detection.
-Implemented scalable distance field fonts for use with new future UI.
-Implemented borderless window mode for native full-screen resolution window.
-Window should now remain mostly responsive during loading screens.
-Kicking/banning is now possible with right-click context menu in lobby and in-race results overlay.
-Input fields now support cursor movement for editing.

-Implemented an option to change the track and event settings in lobby.
-Added an option to change the car and upgrades in lobby.
-Added an option to spectate a race in progress from lobby.
-Implemented full photo mode instead of just track side camera in post-race spectator mode.
-Host can now add AI bots.
-Added server filtering options.
-Remaining laps or time left is now shown in server browser when a race is in progress.
-Implemented chat in respawn screen, spectator mode as well as during and after race (Enter to activate).
-Added an option to game settings to disable in-race chat.
-A speech bubble icon in now shown in lobby next to players that are currently typing a message.
-Added an option for a player to change their team (max 12 players per team).
-Added a host option to limit car class.
-Added a host option to force same car model as host.
-Added a host option to disable car resets.
-Added a host option to set a custom server name.
-Added a host option to set a welcome message (displayed when a client joins).
-Implemented a vote kick/ban system.
-Added an option to promote other players to moderators (can kick and ban) and admins (can adjust event/rules).
-Third ban to same player results in the ban being automatic in subsequent games on the same host.
-Players can retire from race in the pause menu (useful e.g. when hopelessly in a ditch on a no-reset server).
-Lost tires are now synced from server.
-Fixed wrong gear on clients after car reset or new race.
-Fixed bugs in results calculation.
-Improved client-side prediction.
-Various server side fixes.

Dedicated Server:
-Implemented first version of dedicated server (the server runs without a Steam account and uses considerably less RAM and CPU than the full game).
-Implemented command line configuration.
-Implemented remote configuration through game client.

-Improved particle performance.

-Improved audio positioning.
-Added a beep to lobby race countdown.
-Fixed curb sounds.

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