• 06.10.2014 16:31

Next Car Game/Wreckfest: Neuer Name und neues Build

Zum Action-Rennspiel Next Car Game, das offiziell Wreckfest heißen wird, ist jetzt eine neue Steam Early Access-Version verfügbar die viele Neuerungen enthält

(MST/Speedmaniacs.de) - Das Entwicklerteam von Bugbear Entertainment hat über den Sommer weiter an der Optimierung der mit Build #4 eingeführten überarbeiteten Version der ROMU-Engine und an verschiedenen Bereichen von Next Car Game gearbeitet. Das Ergebnis dieser Bemühungen können alle am Steam Early Access-Programm teilnehmenden PC-Gamer jetzt selbst ausprobieren, denn ab sofort ist Build #6 verfügbar und das bringt einige Neuerungen mit.

Titel-Bild zur News: Wreckfest

In Wreckfest wird ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste gefahren bis das Blech wegfliegt Zoom

Da wäre zunächst einmal der offizielle Name: Aus Next Car Game wird Wreckfest. Auf der inhaltlichen Seite enthält die neue Version nun auch einen Multiplayer-Online-Modus der sich zwar noch in einem frühen Entwicklungsstadium befindet, und daher mit Nachsicht behandelt werden sollte wenn es vielleicht an der einen oder anderen Stelle noch nicht ganz so flüssig läuft, aber bis zu 18 Spieler gleichzeitig unterstützt. Für das Fahrvergnügen gibt es mit dem Coupé Genk ein neues europäisches Auto, außerdem die Strecke Speedway im klassischen Kurslayout der Ziffer 8 und eines Ovals plus mit Deathmatch und Team Deathmatch zwei neue Derby-Spielmodi.

Ebenfalls einen Test wert sein dürfte die neue Field of Vision-Einstellung mit der sich das bisherige Sichtfeld von 60 Grad um zusätzliche 30 Grad erweitern lässt und so eine veränderte Wahrnehmung der eigenen Geschwindigkeit und Spielumgebung bedeutet. Für alle die es ganz genau interessiert, gibt es nachfolgend alle Änderungen im Changelog aufgegliedert nach den einzelnen Bereichen.

Next Car Game - Build #6-Changelog:
-The Field of Vision can now be altered, letting you find the combination of visibility and sense of speed you enjoy the most. (Check this video to see how FoV affects your sense of surroundings and speed.)
-Reversing now turns the camera so you can see where you're backing to, which is especially useful in derby matches, where reversing into someone is an effective way to deal some damage without crippling your own car in the process.
-Car upgrades now work on online modes as well
-You can specifically search for servers where your Steam friends are playing

-Improved tire load calculation
-Tire forces scaled by sprung/unsprung mass ratio to correct accelerations
-Corrected assumed load when calculating tire stiffness values
-New differential implementation (supports open, spool, LSD & viscous differentials)
-Added spring rate, damper rate & maximum deflection for tire dynamics
-Added toe in for steering settings
-Implemented SAE 950311 relaxation for slip angle & ratio
-Changed "magic" damping force to use ground contact normal
-Fixed torque from tires to use correctly roll center, wheel center & attach points
-Added suspension lateral attach point (affects YAW from longitudinal forces)
-Implemented loose/solid surface modes
-Improved body torques from wheel assembly when tire is in air.
-Implemented torque feedback scaling
-Fixed lateral position of suspension forces
-Disabled optimal shift point usage from player when using automatic transmission
-Changed steering limits during drifting (drift lock enables more anti-steering during drift)
-Added digital steering delay and fixed digital/analog controller selection

-Added speed sensitivity slider to options - controls how much steering is limited in higher speeds to prevent spinning
-Accelerator and brake sensitivity sliders: 0% = cubic, 50% = linear and 100% = cubic root response
-Initial mouse steering implementation: bind mouse to left/right in the settings menu
-Basic XInput gamepad rumble

-Two new derby game modes: Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch
-Time difference to winner and best lap times displayed in race results
-Last lap time display in HUD for a few seconds when starting a new lap
-Best lap time displayed in HUD during races
-Best lap times for tracks are saved and displayed in event selection
-Score displayed in derby results
-Car reset will attempt to place the car away from the busiest racing line
-Improve AI's ability to recover when stuck
-Fixed AI's ability to reset car when e.g. out of track
-Fixed AI considering wrecks as potential derby targets
-AI cars now only reset when not seen by the Player.
-Players only drive the current lap to its end after the first car has crossed the finish line (like in real life races)

-New cinematic track side camera
-Automatic look back camera after a short while when reversing
-Can be disabled and adjusted from settings
-User configurable FOV offset
-Hood/bumper look back cameras moved to the back of the car
-Allow more zoom in photo mode / replay lens effects
-General car camera tweaking

-New European car

-New race track: Speedway
-Route variants: Oval and Figure 8
-Added track side cameras to all tracks
-Increased impact speeds required to break objects, e.g. concrete barriers now require 100km/h (62mph) impact to get damaged
-Decreased friction on concrete barriers to prevent them from sucking cars in
-Improved start positions in Figure 8 track
-Fixed holes in Derby Stadium
-DetailMap texture for Sandpit1
-Tarmac memory optimizations

User Interface:
-Access main menu and options in respawn screen, lobby etc.
-Really fixed car selector with large resolutions
-Fixed car selector car class display
-Show all cars' performance index in car selector and lobby
-Display current results during race with TAB
-Display Steam avatars in MP lobby
-Several remap menu bug fixes
-Scroll scrollbars and sliders with mouse wheel
-Misc fixes and tweaks

-Internet games through Steam (You need to forward some ports to be able to host if you sit behind a NAT router)
-Upgrades work
-Client side prediction to combat lag
-Searching for servers with Steam friends
-Faster search
-Configurable max player count 2-18
-Configurable server update frequency
-Password protected lobbies
-Random starting positions
-Games are also displayed in Steam's own server browser
-LAN networking goes also through Steam if it's not in offline mode
-Improved chat with line wrapping
-Ability to join a lobby when the race is in progress
-Allow all LAN IP ranges:,,
-Bandwidth optimizations

-Reimplemented backfire and window smash effects
-Particles toggle in launcher changed to particle quality slider
-Updates to existing effects
-Improved skid marks

-More different engine sounds
-Improved tire slip sounds